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Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 1 Palm Sunday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 1 Palm Sunday

Our Lord enters triumphantly as a king, perhaps to the Jews the long awaited Messiah who will restore the Davidic Kingdom on earth. The Jewish leaders tell Jesus to rebuke His followers, but He refuses, saying that if they will not cry out, the stones will. Our Lord enters triumphantly into the climax of His Father’s will.

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Question of Faith — Reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Question of Faith — Reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent

When Jesus was told that His friend, Lazarus was dying, instead of running straight to seem him, He stayed where He was at for a few more days. This does not sound like the compassionate and loving Jesus that we know. Why does He do that? When He finally arrives, Martha, one of Lazarus’ sisters met Jesus and gave a statement and confession of faith that is quite amazing. Join Philip in reflecting on this beautiful expression of faith even in the face of death.

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Meeting Jesus at the Well Conference 3 — Abandonment and Life
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Meeting Jesus at the Well Conference 3 — Abandonment and Life

After speaking with and listening to Jesus, the Samaritan woman left her water jar and went into town. The whole reason she went to the well at noon was to draw water, and now she doesn’t even take her water jar with her. What happened? What was it that Jesus said that made her abandon her water jar and go into town? And what did she do when she went there? Join Philip in exploring the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well in this last installment of the three part Lenten Conference.

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Run to the Father — Reflection for the Fourth Week of Lent
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Run to the Father — Reflection for the Fourth Week of Lent

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is perhaps one of the most famous parables in Luke’s Gospel. It tells the story of a father and two sons. One asks for his share of the inheritance and goes away. The other stays behind but his heart is seemingly even further away. Join Philip as he reflects on the younger son and how this may aid us in our spiritual journey.

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