Here you will find any video sessions of the “Beloved Son Ministry Show,” which is our podcast.
Good Shepherd Sunday 2021 - Vocation Story Part 1
On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates “Good Shepherd Sunday,” and we hear how Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays does His life for His sheep. Philip shares the first part of his vocation story.
The Temptations of Jesus and Our Identity Conference 2021
Given by Philip Cheung on March 20, 2021. 7PM
The very first thing that happened to Jesus after His baptism was that He was led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted. The devil tempted Jesus three times. Although these three temptations happened more than 2000 years ago in the Judean Desert, the devil uses the very same ones today. The enemy has no new tricks. Join Philip in exploring this event in Jesus’ life and how this relates to us today, especially with our identity.
BSMS Ep. 5 - Friendships and Love
In this episode Kevin and Eugene join Philip (Mr. Cheung!) in discussing the power and importance of friendships and how love plays a central role in them, especially during times of uncertainty and even when friendships reach the point of falling out.
BSMS Ep. 4 - It’s All About Love!
In this episode Ed and Philip brings love to the table and reflects and discusses what Jesus said in the Gospel about love, remaining in His love, and His command to love others. Also, hear the guys share stories about their experiences about love in their lives and and in this world. After all, when all is said is done, it’s all about love.
BSMS Ep. 3 - Conversation with Old Friends (and God!)
In this episode, Isaac, Crawford, and Philip reminisce about their time in Lancaster several years ago, and Isaac (“Senior Companion, he reminds us!) and Crawford shares with us a little bit about themselves and how God has worked in their lives.