Weekly Reflections


The Latest Reflection!


Good Shepherd Sunday 2021 - Vocation Story

Loving is Not Enabling: Being a Good Host - Reflection for the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Buried Treasure and the Gift of Our Faith - Reflection for the 17th Week in Ordinary Time

Came That We May Have Life - Reflection for Corpus Christi

Demons and Good Seeds - Reflection for the 16th Week in Ordinary Time

Communion of Love - Reflection for Trinity Sunday

A Very Blessed Time - Reflection for the 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Courage and Truth in the Midst of Terror - Reflection for the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

The Language of Love - Reflection for Pentecost Sunday

Whose Voice Do We Follow? - Reflection for the Fourth Week of Easter

Being in the Here and Now - Reflection for the Seventh Week of Easter

Inviting God into Our Hearts - Reflection for the Third Week of Easter

We Are Not Orphans - Reflection for the Sixth Week of Easter

Where is God in All This? - Reflection for the Second Week of Easter

Walking the Way in the Midst of Uncertainty, the Children Leads - Reflection for the Fifth Week of Easter

Hope in the Face of the Pandemic - Easter Reflection