Conference Resources


Litany of the Prodigal Son

This special litany prayer was composed by Philip Cheung.

Click here for the prayer.

Conference Link

Click here to join the conference at the following times:

Saturday, February 27, 2021, 7PM EST

Saturday, March 6, 2021, 7PM EST

Saturday, March 13, 2021, 7PM EST

Stay Tuned!

Thank you for registering and for your interest in the conference! We look forward to growing deeper in relationship with the Father with you this Lenten Season!

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Conference Schedule of Topics

Saturday February 27, 2021

Conference 1: The Departure - Life Away from Home

In this first conference we will listen to the parable and meet the characters but will focus on the younger son who chooses to leave home in pursuit of a life that he desires. However, he soon finds himself in a place where he is not fulfilled and struggles to find himself, losing his identity, losing his everything. What do the actions and words of the younger son really mean and how do they relate to my life?

For just the audio, please click here.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Conference 2: The Encounter - Reconciliation and Communion

After the younger son reaches the depths of his misery, he begins to think of what he can do to get out of a seemingly desperate situation. He comes up with a plan to return home, hoping that his father will take him back, if not a son then even a servant. We will focus on the actions and words of the father, especially at the moment of a deeply moving encounter between the father and the younger son, and explore the richness of the meaning this encounter may have for our own lives by virtue of our very own baptism. Perhaps this encounter is really what we desire for in our own lives?

For just the audio, click here.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Conference 3: The Invitation - Resistance and Humility

On the other side of this beautiful encounter between the father and the younger son is the elder son who stands to the side. This elder son who has stood by the father’s side all this time becomes confused as to how the father could so easily take his younger brother back in and be so happy after all that he has said and done to them. The father invites the elder son to rejoice and celebrate with them but he is met with resistance. What does the father do? What does the elder son do? Why does it matter?

For just the audio, click here.

General Schedule for Each Conference

7:00PM Welcome and Opening Prayer

7:10PM* Conference

7:45PM** Question and Answer/Discussion

8:00PM*** Closing Prayer

8:05PM*** Night Prayer for those interested (About 10 minutes)

*The first conference on Saturday, February 27, 2021 will run a tad longer than the other two. (about 10-15 minutes longer)

**This time may be different due to length of conference (may be earlier or later)

***This time will be dependent on the length of the Q&A


The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt