Lent 2024
Returning to the Lord with our whole heart!
Lent is a time when we enter into the deserts and wildernesses of our hearts to meet the Lord who waits to encounter us.

Holy Week Reflections
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Jesus enters into Jerusalem triumphantly and is welcomed with praise but in a few short day those shouts of joy will become cries for His execution.
Monday of Holy Week
Mary anoints Jesus’s feet with costly perfumed oil and He is ridiculed by His own friend, Judas.
Tuesday of Holy Week
Jesus sits at table with His disciples and He shares with them that He will be betrayed and handed over by one of them.
Wednesday of Holy Week
Judas conspires with the chief priests to betray Jesus.
Sacred Paschal Triduum
Sacred Paschal Triduum
Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
Jesus longed to eat this Passover with His disciples. He offers up Himself and shows them the meaning of love.
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
Jesus enters into His Passion and it culminates on the Cross, where He empties Himself for love of us.
Holy Saturday
Jesus gave us His spirit and His body is now lying in the tomb. To us it seems like all is lost and nothing is happening. The earth is indeed still but it will soon tremble for the Lord of Life is on His way back up from hell, to where he descended to rescue the righteous.
Lenten Resources
Lenten Conferences & Talks
Three Part Series on the Parable of the Prodigal Son (2021)
Three Part Series on the Samaritan Woman at the Well (2022)
Prayers & Reflections
“Return to Me” - Fourth Week of Lent Reflections
New Lenten Devotional!
Pray with “Return to Me,” a Lenten devotional by Philip this Lent. Available in paperback or e-book.