The Beloved Son Ministry Show

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Living the Stations
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Living the Stations

This week’s episode features Mr. Cheung’s sermon during the Stations of the Cross today.

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Laborers for the Harvest - Reflection for 14th Week of OT
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Laborers for the Harvest - Reflection for 14th Week of OT

In the first reading today we hear from Third Isaiah, where we hear about the Israelites coming back from Exile. They find themselves face-to-face with a Jerusalem that is no longer recognizable. A devastated land, a land that was not filled with milk and honey. Yet, God tells them to rejoice and exult! Why? How? Later we hear Jesus sending disciples into the towns and villages like sheep among wolves to proclaim the Kingdom, to be true laborers for the harvest. Join me in diving deeper into this week’s readings.

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Free from the Yoke — Reflection for the 13th Week in OT
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Free from the Yoke — Reflection for the 13th Week in OT

In this Sunday’s readings, there is a common theme of “yokes.” Elisha’s yokes of oxen. St. Paul’s reference to the yoke of slavery. Jesus’ analogy of placing one’s hand on the plow and looking back. These yokes can be likened to the attachments that hold us back and keep up from following the Lord reservedly and living the life for which we have been made — freedom, true freedom. What are the “yokes” that hold us back? Let us ask the Lord to break us free from them.

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