The Beloved Son Ministry Show

Meeting Jesus at the Well — Conference 2
The Jewish People and the Samaritan People do not get along for there has been dispute between them, from different places of worship to even causing damage and destruction to the other. Hence when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman, she was taken aback. But this was not what had caused her shame and guilt. It was the fact that she had been living under constraint and in bondage. Jesus had come to set her free. Today, Jesus comes to us to set us free from those things that weigh us down. Will we let Him?
NOTE: The audio of the first 7 minutes or so is not clear but was is being said is a recap of Conference 1 and the reading of John 4:16-26. The rest of the audio is fine. Feel free to skip forward to 7 minutes and then start.

Drawing Close — Reflection for the Third Week of Lent
As we enter into the Third Week of Lent we are given the passage of Moses at the Burning Bush. What is so special about this encounter? God has drawn close to man so that we might draw close to Him. How is this drawing close lived out in our lives? To watch the the reflection, click here.

Who Are You? — Reflection for the First Week of Lent
On the First Sunday of Lent the Church always proclaims the passage of the Temptations of the Lord by the devil. There is a reason for this. The devil attacks on something that is crucial — Jesus’ identity, but Jesus knows who He is and so remains steadfast. Do we know who we are? Listen to this week’s reflection to explore the gravity our response to so great a question.

Life of the Beloved — Reflection for the Baptism of the Lord
On the latest episode of the Beloved Son Ministry Show join me in exploring the life that we have been born into because of Christ: the life of the beloved. As baptized Christians we share in the Sonship of Christ, but what does that mean?