The Beloved Son Ministry Show

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Light of the Star — Homily for the Epiphany
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Light of the Star — Homily for the Epiphany

Happy Epiphany, brothers and sisters! On this episode of the Beloved Son Ministry Show I would like to share with you a homily I wrote, prayed with, and delivered on the Epiphany in fulfillment of the requirements for one of my seminary homiletics courses. The theme is as the title suggests, “Light of the Star.” I pray you enjoy it and may be able to draw some spiritual insights from it. And please do share any comments you may have. Happy Epiphany!

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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph — Reflection for Christmas/Holy Family
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph — Reflection for Christmas/Holy Family

Join Philip as he reflects on the Holy Family and how each of the individuals as well the Family as a whole can help encourage us to be better Christians, disciples, and witnesses of Christ this Christmas and this coming new year. They keywords are: docility, righteousness, obedience, and relationship. Philip also speaks on the upcoming feasts and solemnities.

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Joyful Hope — Reflection for Gaudete Sunday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Joyful Hope — Reflection for Gaudete Sunday

In the midst of Advent and as we approach Christmas, the Church invites us to rejoice today, this Third Sunday of Advent. What is this joy? How and for what shall we rejoice? Join Philip as we explore this great joy.

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Mystery, Not Secret! — Reflection for Trinity Sunday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Mystery, Not Secret! — Reflection for Trinity Sunday

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, which is the “central mystery of the Christian faith and life.” As Catholic Christians we believe in three divine Persons in one God, and this is a mystery to be appreciated, be amazed by, experienced, and not a secret code to be deciphered or a mystery to be solved. Join Philip in exploring and getting to know this most profound mystery. Happy Trinity Sunday!

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