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Happy Birthday! — Reflection for Pentecost Sunday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Happy Birthday! — Reflection for Pentecost Sunday

Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church! Come join me in celebrating this most important day, the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the people and so enabled them to go and bring the Gospel to all nations. Because of that first Pentecost Sunday we are here today. Happy birthday!

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Love that Lasts — Reflection for the Sixth Week of Easter
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Love that Lasts — Reflection for the Sixth Week of Easter

We celebrated Mother’s Day today and we heard the beautiful readings about God’s love for us at Sunday Mass. In many ways a mother’s love reflects God’s love, a love that isn’t dependent upon being loved back or any other factors. In other words, God’s love is unconditional. It is also eternal. There was never a time that we can imagine when God did not love. Pretty awesome. God’s love is eternal. You were always loved. You are loved right now, and you will never stop being loved. God’s love is a love that lasts.

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