Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 1 Palm Sunday

Our Lord enters triumphantly as a king, perhaps to the Jews the long awaited Messiah who will restore the Davidic Kingdom on earth. The Jewish leaders tell Jesus to rebuke His followers, but He refuses, saying that if they will not cry out, the stones will. Our Lord enters triumphantly into the climax of His Father’s will.

Join Philip each night of Holy Week in meditating upon and savoring the Scriptures of the day. To learn more, click here. You may also choose to watch the retreat session by clicking the image below.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.


Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 2 Monday of Holy Week


Question of Faith — Reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent