The Mandatum
“I give you a new commandment, says the Lord:
love one another as I have loved you.”
John 13:34
All sorts of things happened at the Last Supper. Excitement over an important meal. An act of betrayal foretold. Puzzlement on the part of the disciples. Satan entering Judas. Night falling. Washing of feet. Giving of a new commandment. Institution of the Eucharist and the ministerial priesthood. Singing of hymns. Journeying to the garden. Praying to the Father. Falling asleep. Betraying with a kiss. Attacking with clubs and swords. Arresting and dragging Jesus away.
That all happened in one night. At the center of the list of events are the washing of the feet, giving of a new commandment, and the institution of the Eucharist and the ministerial priesthood. These are all linked together. In washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus was ushering in a new commandment and model of discipleship - to serve one another and to wash one another’s feet just as Jesus has done. And to the one who is to lead, he must be the servant of them all. Out of His great love for us, Jesus laid down His life for our salvation, and left us the Eucharist as a memorial of His suffering and death. This is the model for the priesthood - to be the servant of all and to willingly lay down one’s life for the People of God.
However, it’s not just the model for priests, but for all Christians. To follow Christ is to love, and to love is to serve, and it is only in listening and receiving the new commandment and by receiving love will we be able to carry this out. Today may be April Fools but this night was no joke. It happened, and because it did we have been freed from slavery to sin and death and given the gift of salvation.
May we today ask the Lord for the grace to open our hearts and to receive His love and mercy so that we may truly love, to love one another as Christ has loved us.