Difference of a Word
“Seized and condemned, he was taken away. Who would have thought any more of his destiny? For he was cut off from the land of the living, struck for the sins of his people.”
Isaiah 53:8
When the soldiers and guards from the chief priests and the Pharisees went to arrest Jesus in the garden, Jesus asked him who they were looking for. They said, “Jesus the Nazorean.” And Jesus replied, “I AM.” At this the guards and soldiers fell to the ground because “I AM” is the unutterable name of God. Because Jesus answered, “I AM,” He was arrested and led away in chains. Yet, Jesus was led away knowing that His Father’s will is being done.
At the gate outside the courtyard of the high priest, Peter was asked “Aren’t you one of this man’s disciples?” Peter emphatically answered, “I am not.” Two more times, he was asked, and Peter answered “I am not” each time. Because of Peter’s “I am not” he was spared any further questioning or punishment. Yet, he went away in sorrow because he had denied His Lord and Teacher only after promising to die with Him at dinner.
The difference between Jesus’ and Peter’s responses is but one word, but the consequences are drastic. One was said with truth, deep conviction, and confidence in one’s identity, and the other with fear, anxiety, and falsity. What was said in truth brought about the salvation of the world, although it came by about the death of a righteous man - the Son of God. However, what was said in the darkness and in deceit brought about guilt and shame in the heart.
It takes courage to speak the truth, and sometimes it even results in deep pain and suffering, but it will always lead to freedom and to new life. However, if we choose to remain in the darkness, our fears and anxieties will only cause our shame and guilt to deepen, leading us to hopelessness and despair. Sometimes the truth and lie are separated only by one word. May we have the courage the say the words of truth. We were made for freedom, brothers and sisters. And Jesus’ life and death showed us that. Not only did it show us that, it is what gave us freedom and eternal life. May we never forget that we have been so loved.