The Help
“God Himself is my help.”
Ps. 54:6
Often when we hear of “the help” we think of a helper, a maid, a servant, or a housekeeper. The psalmist says that God is his help, but he can’t mean that God is his housekeeper, can he? God is not a helper or a servant, rather He is the almighty God; however, He really took on that role and became that, didn’t He? God became man, God took on our human nature so that we can participate in the divine life. So, God is not help in the sense that He helps us shoulder some of the weight but that God is THE help. Just as Jesus said He is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, He is also the Help. He is the Help who sustains us, leads us, guides us, and quite frankly keeps us in existence. Without Him we would not be here.
So, the psalmist sings of God as his help. With God as his help, how can anything go wrong? How can any problem remain unresolved? With God as our help, we can be sure that we will never be left stranded or abandoned. Who is God to you?