Religion and Faith

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this:
to care for orphans and widows in their affliction
and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

James 1:27

What does religion mean? How does your definition of religion compare with that of the dictionary’s? Perhaps our definitions may be along the lines of “the belief in a higher power that helps shape and instruct one’s way of life.” Of all the things the describe a religion that is “pure and undefiled before God,” St. James tells us is to “care for orphans and widows” and to “keep oneself unstained by the world.” I do not think we can find the notion of “love” in any modern definition of religion; yet, for Christians we know our “religion” is not really about some thing, some set of rules or laws, or even about some higher being whose purpose is to control us. The Christian religion is one of faith, one of love, and one of relationship. Our religion does not consist of some thing, but rather of some one. It is always about persons, communion of persons, and relationship. Love of God is expressed through love of neighbor and love of self.

The Church has always placed an emphasis on caring for the widow and the orphan because in the early Church and also today they are among the most vulnerable in society. What good is it when are living comfortably while others are trying to survive the day and when we can do something to help them? We are never asked to do something that is outside of our means, but we are expected to do all that we can within our means and to do it well.

In the Gospel Jesus reminded the people and reminds us today that what goes inside our bodies does not defile, but it is what comes from within that does. What is He trying to say? When we think about it, what are the things that really put us on the wrong path? Anger, envy, greed, and others, and these feelings, thoughts, and desires all come from within ourselves, our hearts, and our minds, and these things can harm us, defile us, and even bring harm to others. This is the opposite of loving God, others, and self. Perhaps Our Lord was reminding the people then that following superficial rules just does not cut it, there needs to be a change and conversion on the level of the heart. What good is it to follow the dietary laws to a T but then treat those around us with indifference and uncharity. It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t add up. As Christians we do not simply follow a religion, rather we believe in a God who is a communion of Persons, and we have faith that this God loves us and compels us to do the same.

Today may we take a good look at what comes from within, what is in the depths of our hearts and see if all that we think, do, and say reflect the love and mercy of God. If not, what is it that is keeping us from doing so? Ask Jesus to show you.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

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