Overwhelmed Heart
“My heart is overwhelmed,
my pity is stirred.”Hos. 11:8b
Today in the Church we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On the Cross Jesus’ side and heart was pierced for love of us. Out of his pierced side and heart flowed water and blood, the waters of baptism, and the blood that nourishes and sustains us, giving birth to the Church. With His pierced and sacred heart, Jesus understands the depth of human pain and suffering. And He draws all people, those who were chosen by the Lord, to Himself, to rest in the embrace of His Sacred Heart. We have been chosen because the Lord has set His heart on us, and it is because He loved us that He sent His Son, whose heart was pierced and from that heart came indescribable healing. In His heart is unfathomable love, boundless mercy, infinite compassion, and unimaginable peace.
The pierced became the sacred. The wounded became the healing. Our pains and sorrows too can become joy and peace, if only we rest in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You have been chosen. You are chosen for love, peace, joy, and hope. Will you choose to be called His today? What is causing you anxiety or fear today? Look upon the Lord and His pierced side and heart, and know that He loves you and that His heart beats and bleeds for love of you. His heart is overwhelmed, not because of the weight of your worries or sins, but because there is so much He wants to give to you. His heart is overwhelmed with love and mercy, and He wants to wash you with it. Let Him.