No One Believes
“When Saul arrived in Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him,
not believing that he was a disciple.”Acts 9:26
Have you ever felt misunderstood and no one believed in you? Have you ever made a mistake, tried very hard to change, and yet no one sees it and continues to reject you? Saul must have felt that way. Yes, he was a major proponent for persecuting the followers of Jesus and even condoned the stoning of St. Stephen. He even asked permission to search homes and drag anyone who follows the Way out and put them in prison. Then by God’s grace while on the road to Damascus, Saul encountered the Risen Christ and came to believe. Not only did he come to faith, Saul went and proclaimed the Good News, bringing Christ to everyone. But people were suspicious of him.
He tried to explain what had happened to him and that he was truly sorry for what he did and is now a firm believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Perhaps the others worried that maybe he was working “undercover” to try to turn them over. They wouldn’t accept him.
Were we ever on the same side Saul was? Or maybe were we ever on the side of the disciples? Are we always suspicious of those who have sinned or have committed something against us or do we give them the benefit of the doubt? Jesus always gives us the benefit of the doubt. The Father is always ready to forgive. Jesus commanded His followers to love. And this love includes apologizing, forgiving, and reconciling. It is in truth and deed that we must love.
Even when it seems like no one believes us, we must have faith and know that God does. God sees the heart while the others sees the appearances. God sees us as we truly are while humans see with biases. How do we react when everyone around us doubts us? Do we hide and go away? Saul didn’t. Today may we be forgiving as God is forgiving and to not judge and disbelieve someone because of their past, but rather to love with compassion, remembering that we too were given many second chances.