Ask Me
“If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.”
John 14:14
Today, Beloved Son Ministry turns one! This all started one year ago today when we celebrated St. Joseph the Worker while in quarantine. We wanted to make sure the Good News was still being proclaimed, and so we started the Beloved Son Ministry website.
Today we remember again St. Joseph. St. Joseph was the foster father of Jesus, the man who taught Jesus how to walk and talk, how to be a man and a father, and how to love Mary. We do not hear much about him in the Bible, and so often he is referred to as the “Sleeping Giant.” We may not hear much from him or about him, but we know the great impact and influence he must have had on Jesus and Mary - the only two sinless people! St. Joseph prays for us and intercedes for us everyday. Let us not forget him and the great place he has in heaven.
Jesus reminds us today that we can ask Him anything, and we can ask St. Joseph for anything and we can be sure that he will bring it to Jesus. God wants to give to us all that we need to live life, not just get by or survive, but to really live life and enjoy every moment of it. He wants us to be able to find joy in our sufferings, peace in our anxiety, hope in our despair, love in the hurtful parts of our heart. Let us today boldly ask Jesus everything that we want and need, confident that He wants to grant to us all that we need for an abundant and fruitful life. May we turn too to St. Joseph whose prayers his Son will not refuse.
St. Joseph, pray for us!