No Distinction

“He made no distinction between us and them,
for by faith he purified their hearts.”

Acts 15:9

How often do we make distinctions and separate ourselves from others or put one group against another? “These are my people.” Those are the ones from that area.” As humans, we in our fallen nature tend to accentuate the differences and ignore the similarities. He’s black. She’s white. He’s Asian. She’s Mexican. Yet, we never say “we are all human” or “we all make mistakes” or “we are not perfect.” There is always a separation. But brothers and sisters, we were made for unity and communion.

God is one, three Persons yes, but one God, one Divine Being. The Trinity exists as a community of love, where, yes there is a distinction of Persons, but not a separation of communion. The distinctions made here is what makes our God so awesome. Instead of using distinctions to cause separation can we use distinctions to highlight the uniqueness of the other? Instead of using those differences to induce hate, can we approach them as avenues of love? God made no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles, and God makes no distinction between Christians and Atheists or Whites and Blacks or Asians and Europeans — God sees them all as His beloved sons and daughters.

Can we today see the differences in the people around us and use them as occasions of charity and kindness? Can we look at the other today, see their differences, and embrace them? Because when we embrace them, we are really embracing God.

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Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

Love One Another


Glorifying God