Glorifying God
“By this is my Father glorified,
that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”John 15:8
What comes to mind when you hear the word “glorifying?” Maybe bowing down to a superior being that somehow controls our fates and saying good things to stroke his ego or make him feel good about himself. But Jesus tells us God is glorified in a different way. God is glorified by us bearing fruit and becoming disciples. What? That’s so different.
That’s because Our God is a God who loves us and who became one of us to bring us to Himself. This God of ours is one who wants not our empty words but rather our open hearts. Think about that for a second. God is glorified when we are thriving and doing well and living life to the fullest. What does that tell us about God? I’ll let you think about that yourself.
As Christians we can glorify God by bearing fruit, and we can do this by living out our call and being faithful disciples — not just going to Church (which is important!) but also living out our faith during the week. Am I kind? Am I generous? Do I gossip? Do I harbor grudges? Am I happy? Am I at peace? Am I anxious about many things? A good sign that tells me I’m doing alright is when I am always grateful, even in the face of difficulties and struggles. Gratitude for me is the measuring stick. When I find myself going towards the other end and growing impatient and upset, I stop and say a quick prayer, “Lord, remind me that you’re in control. Thank you, Jesus.” Maybe you can try it too.
How can you glorify God by your life today?