Keeping the Faith

We are all on a journey, and we must encourage and support one another. There will be times when we may doubt and question and sometimes, we may even give up and walk the other way. Sometimes guilt and shame will lead us to despair and desperation. Sometimes we may feel that God has abandoned us. Then let us remember the time when Jesus was in the garden praying to His Father asking for the cup to pass him by or when He asked why His God had forsaken Him. Jesus knows our sufferings, pains, worries, and anger because He was fully man like you and me. But He also knows of the joy, peace, hope, and love that none of those things can take away.  The joy and peace that comes from God will enable us to endure those sufferings and times of desperation in our lives. The eternal will always triumph over the temporal.

We must stick together and remember that Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Even when the world tells us there is an easier way, a truer truth, or a better life, we must remember the words of Christ. The world will try to distort the truth and encourage us to settle for worldly things, but we must remember that we were made for greatness and this greatness lies in Christ. Let us keep the faith.  

Lord Jesus I know you are the way, and the truth and the life. Please ask the Father to grant me the grace to not only know this but to live believing it. When I am lost, bring me back to your way.  When I am doubting, remind me of your truth. And when I am questioning my existence, show me your wounds so that I may know that you have already conquered death and hopelessness.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

Communion of Love


Removing Stumbling Blocks