Communion of Love
As Catholic Christians we believe in the Trinity, that is that there are Three Divine Persons in One God. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are of the same substance, and each is not a part of a whole. There are one but distinct. Drawing from St. Augustine, they are a community of love where the Father is the lover, the Son is the beloved, and the Holy Spirit is the love that exist within that community. The Trinity exists as a relationship. Our God is a relational God, and God wants a relationship with us. The Father calls out to us and sent us His Son, Jesus who came to give us life and to bring us to the Father, who sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always, reminding us of how much we are loved. The Trinity is a mystery, which means we may never really fully understand it, but we don’t need to. We only need to believe. Our faith and belief is our response to the call of the Father. This call of the Father is an invitation to be in relationship with Him and the Son and the Holy Spirit. He calls out to you today, how will you respond?