The Beloved Son Ministry Show
Being a Fisher of Men — Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter
"I am going fishing" said St. Peter, and the other disciples who were there said "We also will come with you." At this point, Jesus had appeared to the Apostles several times already. They were no longer hiding in the locked room. But instead of spreading the Good News that Jesus had risen from the dead, Peter went back to fishing. Jesus encounters Peter individually after His Resurrection, asking him three times, "Do you love me?" What might Our Lord have been doing?
Wounds and Locked Doors — Reflection for Divine Mercy Sunday
Blessed Divine Mercy Sunday! On the Second Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates in particular the Divine Mercy of Our Lord. In the Gospel reading we hear Our Lord appearing to the disciples who were hiding behind locked doors for fear of the Jewish leaders. Jesus does not reprimand His disciples for abandoning Him in His time of need, but shows them His wounds and offers unto them, not once, not twice, but three times (signifying many times) His peace. Let us give thanks for this great gift, the gift of God Himself and His infinite mercy.
Turning Around — Reflection for Easter Tuesday
Happy Easter! Today is the Tuesday within the Octave of Easter. Every day this week is Easter Sunday. In this episode, Philip shares the significance of today’s date, April 19th, in his life and its relation to today’s Scripture readings.
What Do You See? — Reflection for Easter Sunday
Blessed Easter! Jesus is risen! Indeed He is truly risen!