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Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 7 — Holy Saturday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 7 — Holy Saturday

Our Lord’s body was taken down from the Cross and placed in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two devout Jews and Pharisees. On this day, the earth stood still, waiting for the gates of the place of the dead to be broken so that the souls of the just may be ushered up by the Lord. Today the earth is still and silent, eagerly anticipating the rush and noise of new life.

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Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 6 — Good Friday
Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 6 — Good Friday

After being arrested, struck, questioned, sentenced, Our Lord was led to the praetorium to be scourged. He was then mocked by being crowned with a crown of thorns, dressed in a purple cloak and given a reed. Little did the soldiers know that they were truly crowning a King, a King who was chosen by God to gather all the peoples to Himself so that all who looked upon Him might be saved.

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