The Beloved Son Ministry Show
Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 5 — Holy Thursday
At the Last Supper Our Lord instituted the Eucharist and the Priesthood, leaving unto us the Church and a share in His inheritance. This moment was foreshadowed in the Passover when the LORD God spared the Israelites the death of their first born by the blood of an one-year old unblemished lamb. Today, the true Lamb of God will be led to His slaughter so that not just the first born will be spared, but rather all who will come to believe in Him, who is the Son of God.
Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 4 Wednesday of Holy Week
Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 3 Tuesday of Holy Week
Holy Week Retreat 2022 — Day 2 Monday of Holy Week
The Prophet Isaiah speaks of the Suffering Servant who will establish justice and open the eyes of the blind and set prisoners free. Later the Psalmist cries out that the LORD is his light and salvation. In the Gospel our Lord is treated with kindness and luxury is poured out unto Him only meeting the criticism of His own disciple.