The Daily Word
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It is I Myself
After the two disciples shared with the Apostles that they recognized Him in the “breaking of the bread,” Jesus appears to them and says to them, “Peace be with you.” He comforts them and tells them it is truly Him, the Jesus with whom they’ve journeyed for three years. Jesus comes to us today, will we receive Him?
They Recognized Him
While walking on the road to Emmaus, Jesus encounters two disciples who do not recognize Him. They ask Jesus to stay with them for it was night. At dinner, Jesus takes bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to them. They immediately recognize Jesus. Such is the power in the breaking of the bread, for it is not simply bread, but Jesus Himself.
Whom Do You Seek?
When Mary Magdalene finds an empty tomb she is distressed and upset. She weeps, wondering who could have stolen Jesus’s body for she did not yet understand that Jesus needed to rise from the dead. The Lord appears before her but she does not recognize Him in His resurrected state until He calls her name. Jesus asks her, “Whom are you looking for?”