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Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Obedient to Death

The Church begins Holy Week with Palm Sunday where were commemorate the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The people welcomed Him waving palm branches and even paving the road with their cloaks, a winner’s welcome. They cried out “Hosanna,” trusting that Jesus is the One who will restore the Davidic Kingdom. The hearts of these people were filled with hope and joy. Yet a few days later, those hopeful hearts will harden into hateful hearts, exchanging their “Hosanna!” for “Crucify him!” Click here for more Lenten Resources.

“Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Philippians 2:7-8

The Church begins Holy Week with Palm Sunday where were commemorate the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The people welcomed Him waving palm branches and even paving the road with their cloaks, a winner’s welcome. They cried out “Hosanna,” trusting that Jesus is the One who will restore the Davidic Kingdom. The hearts of these people were filled with hope and joy. Yet a few days later, those hopeful hearts will harden into hateful hearts, exchanging their “Hosanna!” for “Crucify him!”

Jesus did not enter into Jerusalem to be the Messiah the people desired; He came to be the Messiah the Father willed. Jesus came to do one thing and one thing only: the Father’s will. To show the love and mercy of God and to draw all things and peoples to Himself is what Jesus came to do. How ironic it is that the more Jesus tried to preach the Father’s love and mercy did the chief priests plot to kill Him all the more and the people shout “Crucify him” all the louder. Yet, this did not stop Jesus. Nothing could stand in the way of Jesus’s obedience to His Father, even if the way led to death.

In condescending unto earth, Jesus left the glory of heaven to become one of us, like us in all things but sin, so that we might come to know the Father’s love. He left the place of glory and entered into a world that wanted Him dead. While He came to give life, He was met with death. But, death was no match for Him. How can the Lord of Life be held down by the Prince of Darkness, for his Master is the Lord. Jesus emptied Himself and subjected Himself to the laws of the world so that He can save us from the world. In His obedience unto death Jesus brought unto us eternal life. Will we chant “Hosanna!” or “Crucify him!” today? What do our actions say?

May we empty ourselves this Holy Week of our selfish passions and desires and allow the love and mercy of God to fill our hearts, so that like Jesus, we too, might become obedient to the Father’s will, even if it means dying to ourselves so that the needs of others might come first.

Blessed Holy Week to you.

Click here for Holy Week Reflections from “Return to Me.”

Click here for a reflection on the Stations of the Cross from “Return to Me.”

Click here for other Lenten Resources.

Click below to watch today’s reflection.

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Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

What Troubles You?

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem for the final time before His Passion, the Greeks were beginning to grow curious about Jesus. They tell Philip they want to see Jesus, so he goes and tells Andrew, who in turns tells Jesus. Perhaps we expect Jesus to become overwhelmed with joy and excitement that others might be moved by His works to come to knowledge of God, but the reaction of Jesus was very different.

“I am troubled now.  Yet what should I say?
‘Father, save me from this hour’?
But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.”

John 12:27

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem for the final time before His Passion, the Greeks were beginning to grow curious about Jesus. They tell Philip they want to see Jesus, so he goes and tells Andrew, who in turns tells Jesus. Perhaps we expect Jesus to become overwhelmed with joy and excitement that others might be moved by His works to come to knowledge of God, but the reaction of Jesus was very different.

He goes on to say that the “hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” and gives the imagery of the grain that must die so that fruit might be borne. When one hears of being “glorified” perhaps the image of a throne comes to mind or some dramatic scene where the person is held in high esteem and celebrated like a king. But Jesus’s glorification was far from that. It was not a lofty throne or even a few people bowing down to Him. Jesus’s glorification was His Passion and the Cross. Jesus reminded His disciples that to truly live means to lay down one’s life and that those who follow Him must have their eyes and hearts set on things not of this world, but that which comes from the Father.

Then, Jesus utters words filled with emotion, “I am troubled now,” giving us a glimpse of the human nature of Jesus. What must have been weighing on Jesus’s heart, the burdens of the world, the weight of humanity’s sins. But even in the moment of a troubled heart, Jesus surrendered to the will of the Father, abandoning Himself so that others might come to experience the love of God. Jesus did not allow fear to cloud His judgement. He knew fully what His mission was and what the will of His Father was for Him. When one is in right relationship with God, trials and tribulations do not have power over them. They acknowledge their own fears and weaknesses, yes, but they also acknowledge the power of God, trusting that no trouble can match the power that comes from the Father. So, as Christians, we must remember that troubles will come, but we must neither let them overtake us nor pretend they do not exist because both are from the enemy.

What are the things that trouble you? Look at them with the Lord today and pray, “I am troubled, Lord. What should I say or do but to I surrender them all to You, for you have come to make all things new.

Click below to watch this week’s reflection.

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Philip Cheung Philip Cheung

Letting the Light In

Blessed Fourth Sunday of Lent! On this day the Church implores us to “rejoice;” hence this Sunday of Lent is known as Laetare Sunday from the Latin meaning “to rejoice.” Why does the Church tell us to rejoice during what is supposed to be a solemn, penitential season? Because of that to which we look forward: the Resurrection. In His great love for us, the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world so that while we were still dead in our sin we might be saved. For this, how can we not rejoice? Although our salvation has been won, we must choose to live a life that leads us to it.

“But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, 
so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.”

John 3:21

Blessed Fourth Sunday of Lent! On this day the Church implores us to “rejoice;” hence this Sunday of Lent is known as Laetare Sunday from the Latin meaning “to rejoice.” Why does the Church tell us to rejoice during what is supposed to be a solemn, penitential season? Because of that to which we look forward: the Resurrection. In His great love for us, the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world so that while we were still dead in our sin we might be saved. For this, how can we not rejoice? Although our salvation has been won, we must choose to live a life that leads us to it.

Jesus is the Light that has come into this world of darkness so that those who wish to run to the light might be saved. Many people choose to live in the darkness, and by darkness I do not mean the physical darkness that comes at nightfall, but the darkness that clouds our minds and hearts. The darkness seems to be a place of darkness, a place where one can do and say what one would not in the light, in public. A place where immorality and the lure of the world rule. Sometimes we prefer the dark because living in the light becomes difficult. Following the Commandments becomes burdensome. Praying seems useless. It’s just so much easier living in the dark, not having to worry about laws and rules. Life becomes easier not having to stand up for the truth. And once we allow ourselves to get comfortable in the darkness, our lives slowly become less and less conformed to the heart of Jesus. On the surface, it may seem like life becomes so much easier and better, but soon we will experience pain and sorrow because a life apart from God is a life that will slowly turn into emptiness. We might experience some temporary comfort and even pleasure and joy in the darkness, but it will not last. We must allow the Light of Christ to penetrate our hearts.

When we live in the darkness, we allow the enemy to rule our hearts and desires. And we know the tactics of the enemy. First he lures us is, makes us feel good about the things we do and choices we make and then he attacks us and accuses us, making us feel bad for falling into his traps, attacking our faith and and highlighting our infidelity to God. This usually leads us further deeper into the darkness because of our shame and guilt. But, brothers and sisters, at those moments we must turn to God and allow His light to enter into our hearts. We must slowly walk towards the light and leave behind the darkness. It will not be easy at first, but we must keep going. Just as turning on the lights after being in the dark for a movie will make us want to cover our eyes and faces so too will this initial step of walking towards the light. The natural tendency will be to go back into the darkness, but we must go away from it. We must let the light in.

God does not require us to be perfect. He simply needs us to want to return and for us to seek Him. All that is needed is for us to say, “Lord, I want to leave the darkness. Let Your light shine in my darkness.” God will do the rest. It is less about what we have to do, and more about what we allow God to do in and through us. Once we allow the light to enter into our hearts, the other places of darkness will slowly dispel and the enemy will flee. When we see and experience this, how can we not rejoice?

Have you checked out “Return to Me,” a book of Lenten Reflections? If not, I invite you to pray with me using it this week. Each day’s reflection (and other Lenten resources) can be accessed here. Pray with me!

Click below to watch this week’s reflection.

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