Wolves Among the Sheep
“I know that after my departure savage wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock. And from your own group, men will come forward perverting the truth to draw the disciples away after them.”
Acts 20:29-30
From the earliest beginnings of the Church, there has always been the threat of division and separation. We can see this in the Great Schism of 1054 when the Eastern Christian Churches broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and also later in the Protestant Reformation, resulting in the numerous denominations of Christianity. Even to this day there remain threats to the communion and unity that Jesus prayed for us.
We see this today with the problem of intercommunion in the German Church. There are wolves among the sheep threatening the safety and unity of the flock still today. There will be people who will use persuasive tactics in manipulating the people, drawing them away from the Church. They may pose arguments that may say “It should be about God and not the Church” or “Jesus was all about love” or “Jesus said to love everyone” or other similar lines. We must stay faithful to Jesus who established the Church on the rock that is Peter. Our faith is a gift from God, who we have come to know through the Scriptures and Tradition and that has been safeguarded by the teaching office of the Church. Jesus knew what He was talking about. Who are we to say that “Jesus actually meant this…?”
May His Word stand above all other words, no matter how appealing and persuasive they may be. These wolves will not have the last word. This is the Lord’s flock. Let’s stay together.