Who Do You Obey?

But Peter and the Apostles said in reply,
“We must obey God rather than men.

Acts 5:29

When people in authority asks us to do something, we either comply because we know if we don't, we will get in trouble or we do it because we believe what they are saying or asking of us is truly for our good. The Fourth Commandment - "Honor your father and mother" is extended to teachers and other persons in authority. We must respect and honor our elders and listen to what they have to say, but we must make a decision whether what they are saying is congruent and consistent with what God may be telling us and if what they say point to the true, good, and beautiful. We are not called to just blindly follow and do whatever persons in authority tell us or ask of us - we must discern it and bring it to prayer.

In the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 5:27-33), the Apostles were again found preaching the Good News and telling people about Jesus and the authority figures said to them: "We gave you strict orders, did we not, to stop teaching in that name." And in reply, the Apostles said, "We must obey God rather than men." Were the Apostles being disrespectful and breaking the 4th Commandment? No. They were proclaiming the Truth. The Truth takes precedence. Jesus told them to go and proclaim the Good News to all peoples and sent the Holy Spirit to be with them. So, when men told them to do something that was inconsistent with what the Lord had said, they followed what the Lord said and not what the men said. Will the Apostles be persecuted and punished according to the local law by the authorities? Probably. Standing up for the Truth and doing what is right, even though it is what God commands, does not mean that we will be free from harm and everything will go smoothly. Human beings have the gift of free will and they may choose to exercise that in a way that is inconsistent with the Truth.

When we are faced with decisions, we must discern whether what we are choosing points to the Truth, the good and the beautiful. Even when there are people who challenge us and act in ways that are inconsistent with the Truth, we still must treat them with respect and love, for love is the greatest commandment. You do not need to agree with someone to love them.

Father, teach me how to discern well. Teach me to listen to the spirit of the law and to act with true love and charity. Give me the courage to live for the Truth and the wisdom to do so in love.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.


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