What Sign Can You Do?
“The crowd said to Jesus:
‘What sign can you do, that we may see and believe in you?
What can you do?’”
John 6:30
Not long after Jesus fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish the people asked Jesus “What sign can you do so that we may believe?” What? Didn’t you just see, experience, or hear about that miracle? They then proceeded to tell Jesus that their ancestors at manna in the wilderness, but Jesus told them who really gave them that manna — God, and that He Himself now is the Bread of Life.
Do we believe that? Or do we need more signs and wonders to believe? Evidence is not needed for faith. Evidence is needed for empirical research and studies in the natural sciences. Faith is supernatural. No matter how many signs Jesus may give to us or how many miracles He may do, if our hearts lack faith and choose to not believe, we will not believe. So, the question is not “what sign can you do?” but rather, “why is my heart slow to believe?”
May we look around us today and see the beauty of nature — the skies, the clouds, the birds, the sunset, and see how good God has been and continues to be to us. All of this is a gift. This — the precision needed for our earth to exist and function as it does — did not happen by chance, it was planned and created by Our Loving God. If you ask “What sign can you do?” look around and you will find your answer.