Way to the Heart
"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart."Matthew 11:28-29a
If we are to bear the name of another or claim to be a follower or student of someone then our actions should reflect the spirit of the one after whom we follow. In schools I always remind the students that where ever they go, especially if they are in their uniforms, they are ambassadors of our school. They represent our school whether they want to or not, whether they think they are or not. They are the face of our school. Similarly, the receptionist, whether he or she likes it or not, is the face of the company and is the first face people will see, and as such should watch how the speak and respond for he or she gives the people their first impression of the company/office. Pastors and parish office workers are the face of the parish and by extension the face of the Church. How often do we hear of people leaving the parish or stop going to Church all together because they had a bad experience with either the pastor or someone from the parish? AND, whether we like it or not, each one of us are ambassadors of the Church and of Christ. If we call ourselves Christians then we must conform our hearts to Christ. What is the way to Christ’s heart?
Humility is the way to the heart of Jesus. In the first reading today (Sunday) we hear the Prophet Zechariah speak about our King and Savior, how he rides on an ass or donkey, a sign of humility. We see this fulfilled in Jesus as He entered into Jerusalem, yes on a donkey, nonetheless, triumphantly. In His humility, Christ carried out the Father’s will for Him, and the result of that is the conversion of hearts and the gift of salvation. It was the humility of Jesus that enabled the people to see His great love and mercy for them. It was in His humility where the people encountered Him. The way to another’s heart must be paved with humility because if it is not, our hearts will have no room for anyone else but ourselves and our needs.
Brothers and sisters, if we are to truly bear the name of Christ in calling ourselves Christians then we must conform our hearts to Christ, allowing humility to take the place of pride. If we do not know how to do this, Jesus tells us to look to Him and to go to Him, for His “yoke is easy and burden, light.” When we do go to Him, He will give us rest, and this rest will reveal to us His meekness and humility of heart. We are the face of Christ, and only a heart that is conformed to the heart of Jesus can reveal such a face. May we rest today in the embrace of the Lord and ask Him to make our hearts to be like His.