The True God
There are people or organizations out there that claim they can help you find fulfillment in your lives and sometimes in ways that seem interesting. Some believe in the power of crystals, others in horoscopes and astrology, and still others fortune tellers and psychics. As Christians we know that all those forms of “divinization” is not good, and sometimes that can even unleash evil spirits. But why do people turn to those things? Maybe they want concrete answers or certainty or assurance that things will go the way they would like them to. At the core of it all is a level of control over one’s life. When we turn to those things to seek answers and certainty we are turning to them as gods, but we know there is only One, True God.
Brothers and sisters, when we run into problems in life or are faced with difficult situations, to where or whom do we turn? Do we seek to solve things with our own hands or seek the help of other “higher powers?” It can be very easy for us to try to take matters in our own hands and trying to solve things with our own power, but sooner or later we will come to realize that we really cannot do it on our own. That is why we are part of the Mystical Body of Christ with Christ as Our Head. We must turn to Our Lord when problems arise and seek the help of our brothers and sisters who will encourage us and affirm us in the faith. The proverbial saying is true “A problem shared is a problem halved.” But it has its roots in the Scriptures: “Bear one another’s burden, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). As Christians we are called to bear one another’s burdens, to support one another along this journey of faith and pilgrimage to our heavenly home.
Too many of our brothers and sisters have turned to false goods, believing that material things and other spirits can help them achieve their ultimate destiny. It is our responsibility to remind them that there is only One God, the God who is Our Father, the One who has created us and has loved us from all eternity, and that He alone can give us the joy, hope, and peace that we so desire. Is there someone close to us who is hurting or who has turned to false gods? Let us pray for them first and then approach them with love, reminding them of the great love in, with, and for which they have been created.