The “R” Word

During this past school year, I have emphasized one word in all of the classes I taught. This word describes the foundation of our faith, of who we are, and of that which we were created. To drill this into the minds of the young people I always ask them, “At the end of the day it all comes down to one word that begins with ‘R,’ what is it?” Relationship.

Relationship is at the heart of who we are. It is the most fundamental and foundational building block of life. It was within and out of a relationship that we were created. Thinking back to Trinity Sunday, we are created in the image and likeness of a God who is relational — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a community of love. As Christians we pray, but what is prayer? Prayer is not simply the recitation of memorized words or sentences. At its core, prayer is relationship. Any prayer life presupposes a relationship between the individual and God. It is because we trust in God that we bring to Him all that is on our hearts. This would not be possible outside the context of a relationship.

There are many elements that exist within a relationship; among them are love and trust. God called the Israelites a “people peculiarly His own.” Jesus taught the disciples to call God “Father.” Because we trust that God loves us, we turn to Him. Because God loves us, He sent His Son so that we might not perish in our weakness and brokenness. God sent Jesus into the world so that our weakness and brokenness might not be sources of shame or guilt but rather reminders of how much we are loved. Even in our sinfulness, Jesus comes to save us. That’s love.

May we take a closer look at our relationships today, especially at our relationship with God. How involved am I in this relationship? Do I nurture this relationship? God is always waiting for us to enter into this loving relationship. Once you do, life will never be the same, and you will want to tell everyone all about the “R” word!

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

Fear No One


Mystery of Love