Stewards of the One Master
“No servant can serve two masters.
He will either hate one and love the other,
or be devoted to one and despise the other.
You cannot serve both God and mammon."
Luke 16:13
We are all stewards of everything that is around us. In being stewards we have to remember and understand then, that everything around us and in our possession is really not our own, but rather a gift, a gift that has been given to us to care for, appreciate, and love. All is gift, and we must use them as they are intended to be so by their Creator. When we are all responsible stewards, I believe, we get a glimpse of what heaven may look like — everything in harmony, everyone knowing they all belong to the one body, and everyone knowing they are held by the infinite, unconditional love of God, Our Father.
In our modern world we inadvertently and inevitably become servants of many masters, usually ourselves being among them. When we put our own interests and pride above all things, we become servants to ourselves. When we allow our ambitions to dictate our lives, we become servants to them. When we attach ourselves to others in an unhealthy way we become servants of another who is unable to give us what we truly desire, ultimately leading us only to sorrow and disappointment. Perhaps in all of this we really are trying to search for freedom. When we realize we really need only be the servant of one Master, not only will we have all that we need, but we will also live in the freest way there is, a freedom that is not of this temporal, passing world, but a freedom that can never be taken a way, a freedom that comes from God.
Brothers and sisters, as Christ told His disciples, no one person can serve two masters, we must make a decision. When we are tempted to choose the other master because of what he may be able to give us — pleasure, wealth, power, let us remember that it is only temporary. But, when we choose the One Master, all that our hearts truly desire will be fulfilled for we will be given true pleasure, true wealth, true power, true peace, true joy, and true love. When we choose to become the steward of the One Master, we will have God Himself.