Set Apart

"I have something for you!" "There's something very special in store for you!" Those are two statements that may rouse up inside of us feelings of warmth, love, and over all feelings of being recognized as someone important and special. When we were younger teachers may have done something similar to us when they tried to encourage us and motivate us, "Tommy there is a very special mission for you! You have been called to be a special agent to bring this very important letter to Mrs. Wheatland in the 6th grade. You must do it with top secret!" Tommy would usually have felt very much encouraged and would take this task very seriously and execute it with the utmost care. Have you ever experienced that before? Or, have you ever used that with someone before?

Whether you have or have not in the past, we are being asked to go on a very special, important, and urgent mission right now. Just as Saul and Barnabas was set apart by the Holy Spirit, so are we. We have been called to proclaim the Good News to others. We have been called to shine the light on the truth and to bring others to it. We have been called to live in the light and to lead others to do the same. Though the mission may be the same, the way about which we have been asked to do so differs and to whom we have been called to serve is also different. The Lord endowed us each with special talents and gifts that are particular to us, and we have been called to make use of those gifts to carry out this important and urgent mission. We must bring the love and mercy of the Father, the peace of the Son, and the encouragement and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to others so that they too may know they have been called. You have been set apart. You have been set apart for greatness and and a task of great urgency. It's time to get moving.

Father, thank you for having called me and help me to recognize the gifts and talents you have given to me, and teach me to use them to carry out this calling and mission to which you have called me. Lead me to the light, envelop me with Your love, and clothe me with Your truth.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

Remembering to Live


Unifying Name