Prevailing Peace

“While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them,

‘Peace be with you.’”

Luke 24: 36

With all that is going on in our world today, how comforting are those words Jesus spoke to His disciples, “Peace be with you.” Of all the words Jesus could have chosen to speak to His disciples, the first words that He chose were “Peace be with you.” How much anxiety and fear the disciples must have been experiencing that Our Lord chose those words as His first to calm their worries and ease their minds. Peace.

What is peace? Some say it’s a good feeling inside. Others say it is when there is no violence or war. Peace is not something that comes from man. Peace must come from God, and that is why Jesus gave it to the disciples. We are told that Jesus does not give peace as the world gives peace. The peace that comes from God is what gives us hope. It is this peace that the Apostles received from Jesus and the peace that comes from the Holy Spirit. This peace is a peace that breaks down barriers and can even go through locked doors. Jesus’ peace eases all fears and calms all storms.

Whatever storm that may be brewing in our minds or whatever storm that we may be battling in our hearts, Jesus can bring peace into it. The peace that Jesus brings is one that prevails. When we give control of our storms over to the Lord, we can be sure that He will bring us to shore. What our Lord said to His disciples 2000 years ago in the upper room, Jesus says to you today, “Peace be with you.” Let our Lord’s peace fill your hearts today.

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Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

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