Ponder in Gratitude
“Everything that the Father has is mine;
for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you."John 6:15
Have you ever just stopped what you were doing and looked up and around and just paused to take everything in? Particularly while outdoors, when you just stop and take in the blue sky and white puffy clouds? Or if you are walking along the ocean, just look at the immensity of it? Or for those with small children and babies, to gaze upon your child when they are asleep? Or for those with older children, to look at the amazing person they have become? All of the above are gifts, gifts from God to each one of us, a gift that leads us to ponder in gratitude.
All of creation God created for us, for us to enjoy, for us to be stewards of, and for us ponder the great mystery of His love. Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity. The Trinity is one of the foremost mysteries and teachings of the Church. There is only One God, and this One God is Three Divine Persons, each whole and entire, undivided, and uncreated. The Trinity is a communion and a community of love. St. Augustine teaches that the Father is the Lover, the Son is the Beloved, and the Holy Spirit is the Love that exists within that communion. As the “summit” of God’s creation, human beings — you and me — have a special place in the heart of God. We are the only creation made in God’s very image and likeness. Since God is a communion of love, and since we are made in His image and likeness, that means we were created out of love, with love, and for love. Brothers and sisters, we are the product of God’s love.
At times we might not feel that way, that we are loved or made for love or even deserving of love. But that does not change the truth that we are loved. Our feelings do not change the truth of who and what we are. We are God’s beloved sons and daughters, and everything that we have, that we take take joy and pride in, are expressions of God’s love for each of us. Let us never forget that. Each smile, kiss, and hug is a gift. A gift that is ultimately from God. May we ponder today and everyday the tremendous love God has for each and every one of us. When we find ourselves lost and sad, and maybe even unworthy of love, let us take a moment to stop and look around, taking a deep breath in, and while exhaling realize that the breath we just took was God breathing life into us. Nothing can break us because it is God who lives in us, and Jesus has conquered the world. Let us ponder in gratitude today the great love with which we have all been loved.
For this week’s video/audio reflection “Partakers of Love”, click here.