Judging out of Jealousy

“He said this not because he cared about the poor
but because he was a thief and held the money bag
and used to steal the contributions.”

John 12:6

Have you ever criticized someone for doing something because deep down you wished it was you who was doing it? An example might be someone buying an expensive gift for someone and I make a comment about how they shouldn’t have and what a waste of money they spent when in reality I sort of wished I got a nice gift too or maybe I wished I had that kind of money.

When Mary anointed Jesus with a liter of expensive oil and perfume, Judas criticized her for doing so and perhaps even criticized Jesus for accepting such a gesture. Judas questioned why the oil was not sold for money to give to the poor. Jesus rebuked him saying to let Mary do what she needed to do. If Judas was saying all this because he really wanted to give to the poor, it might be understandable, but that was not why he spoke up. If Judas really knew Jesus and who He was, he would not have passed this judgment. He did not know his Teacher. Judas was really thinking about himself. He wished he had that money so that he could use it for whatever he pleased. At the heart of what Judas said was envy, jealousy, and greed.

Despite this character flaw, Jesus allowed Judas to continue following Him. Jesus does not turn people away because they are imperfect. He came for the sinners. He prays for our conversion, and He so wants us to receive the Father’s mercy and forgiveness. But we must ask for it as well as open our hearts to it. Today let us ask the Lord to remove any tinge of jealousy and hypocrisy in our hearts so that our hearts may be turned completely to Him.

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Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.


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