Jesus’s Family

“Someone told him, ‘Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you.’ But he said in reply to the one who told him, ‘Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?’”

Matthew 12:47-48

If I were to ask you “Tell me about your family” what would you say? If someone were to ask me that I imagine I would reply with telling them that my parents had 3 children of which I am the youngest. Then I would go on to tell the story of how my parents ended up in the U.S. and then talk about my family relationships and dynamics or maybe some funny moments growing up. In other words, I would talk about the people in my family and really how I relate to each one of them — what will really be revealed is what my relationships are like with each member of my family.

When Jesus was told that His “mother and brothers” are there and are looking for Him, Jesus didn’t say “Oh, thank you” and then go out to meet them. Rather He stayed where He was — with the people — and turned it into a teaching moment. He asked who is His family? It’s quite odd actually. It’s almost as if after you ask someone about their family, they say to you, “Gee, I don’t know. You tell me. Who are my family?” Some people reading this might even say that Jesus was being rude to His mother and family, and you might even agree so too if you were to read it by itself and not looking at the whole picture. Jesus was teaching the people that they too were part of His family. Those who do the will of His Father is His family, He tells us. So, instead of being rude to His mom by asking those present who is His family, Jesus was really telling us something about Mary. Mary was one who not only listened to God but also lived out His will for her. This revelation is quite important. It tells us so much about Mary and about what is most important in our lives. Our relationships with family and friends are important, but what’s more important is our relationship with God. For when all is good with our relationship with God, our other relationships will also prove to be good and fulfilling, and not the other way around.

So, I invite you today to take a few moments and sit in the silence and talk with Jesus. He has called you to be a part of His family. Are you a part of it? How is your relationship with Jesus? Are you one who is living out (or trying to live out as well as possible) the calling and the life to which God has called you? Are you Jesus’s brother or sister? Because He is yours.

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

It’s Not Really You


Me Time