Into the Dark Valleys
“Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side.”
Ps. 23:4
Psalm 23 is perhaps one of the most famous psalms, familiar to both Christians and non-Christians alike. It gives much comfort to those who are going through tough times. The Psalmist talks about going through the dark valley. Some other translations read it as “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow death, I fear no evil.” Perhaps it was a dark time in his life, a hopeless battle, or something similar. Yet, despite all that he continued to trust in the Lord.
In today’s first reading, we hear about an unjust situation where a woman is accused of adultery. At that time, women had no voice, so whatever the man said was taken to be true, and so she was charged. The woman cried out to God imploring His help and professing her innocence. The Lord heard her prayer and answered it by sending a young boy. On the way a young prophet, Daniel spoke up saying, “I will have no part in the death of this woman.” Through his words and advice, the woman was found innocent and set free. The woman was going through the valley of death and she did not fear but instead cried out to God, and He heard her.
What are some of the dark valleys that we are asked to go through? We cannot avoid them or find detours. The only way is to go through them. But we do not need to do so alone. We can choose to allow God to walk with us. We can choose to cry out to Him. We can be confident that He will hear us. Do not let the darkness cover the light that can never be extinguished. God hears the cry of the poor. Have faith and know that the Lord is with you right there in the dark valley and He is prepared to venture through it with you. Let Him.