In Our Lives

“And whether they heed or resist — for they are a rebellious house — they shall know that a prophet has been among them.”

Ezekiel 2:5

Throughout the Old Testament and the history of the Israelites, we have heard about many prophets being sent to them, to bring them back into right relationship with God. They didn’t always listen to them or appreciate them. Some even tried to kill them. We are told that in the past God sent prophets but “in these last days” and “in the fullness of time,” God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son.

It was God who came to the Israelites and it is Christ who comes to us everyday, every moment, especially in the Holy Eucharist. However, just as God sent the prophets, He also sends people into our lives to draw us close to Him. Do we recognize them? Do we listen to them? Or do we treat them as how the people treated Jesus in His very own hometown — reject them, look down upon them, and dismiss them? Brothers and sisters, if we cannot recognize Christ in those with whom we work and live, how can we dare say we recognize Him in the Eucharist? 

Jesus commanded us to love God and to love neighbor, “to love your enemies” and “pray for your persecutors.” The people around us are those by whom we are able to practice and grow in God’s love. Those who love us ought to move us to gratitude. Those who annoy us ought to move us to patience. Those who hate us or despite us ought to move us to empathy (for we would know how Jesus must have felt). Those who accept us for we are ought to move us to humility. Those who forgive us ought to move us to mercy and reconciliation. These all lead us to growing deeper in relationship and in love with God. It’s not easy, but as St. Paul said Jesus told him, “My grace is sufficient for you.”  Jesus will take all that we do and try to do and bless them, and bring good out of them. We just need to try. Jesus comes to us at every moment, in the sacraments and in those around us. Will we choose to recognize Him?

14th Sunday in OT 2021.png
Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

How Deep is Your Faith?


Doubt that leads to Faith