How Do I Live?
“Cast away from you all the crimes you have committed, says the LORD, and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.”
Ez. 18:31
In today’s gospel reading Jesus told his followers to listen and to obey whatever the Pharisees and Scribes teach, but do not follow their example because they do not practice what they teach and preach. They place heavy demands and burdens on the people but do not lend a helping hand. They may point out faults and mistakes but do not offer solutions. At the heart of this are pride and self righteousness.
Why do we do things that we do? How is it that we choose to live our lives? What are our priorities, our values? Do we do or say things primarily to impress others or to come across as well versed and knowledgeable? I sometimes struggle with this. Worrying about what others may think of me and allowing that to rob me of my peace. It comes so naturally but I know my worth and value isn’t really rooted in that. Yet, I allow others and the affirmation of others control my life. God doesn’t care about those things. He also doesn’t care about our past. What matters most is what we decide to do right this minute. Will we renounce our past sins and turn back to God or will we continue to allow the world to manipulate us and draw us deeper into its fleeting pleasures? Now is the moment. How will we choose to live our lives?