Fruits and Growth
“Israel is a luxuriant vine
whose fruit matches its growth.”Hosea 10:1
The Prophet Hosea speaks of Israel as a luxuriant vine. At this time in history, Israel was not being very faithful to God, so much so that Israel was likened to a prostitute. Yet, God reminded them of their dignity and who they were and professed His love to them time and again. But that did not stop the Israelites from turning away from Him. Although God regards Israel as a “luxuriant vine,” she has cheapened herself, becoming a fruitless vine. We too are regarded as “luxuriant,” do we see it or do we too cheapen ourselves? Do our fruits match the luxuriant nature with which we have been endowed?
Sin is ugly and oftentimes it takes a strong hold on us. It may affect the way we think, speak, and act. Perhaps there have been times when we deliberately do or say things that we know are wrong, and as a result of that find it shameful to return to God. Just as Israel sold herself to other powers, prostituting herself, there may have been times when we have done the same. Have we allowed the power of the world and the enemy draw our hearts away from what is true, good, and beautiful? How do we know? By our fruits. Do what we think, say, and do reflect the goodness of God or does it reflect something else? Maybe our own pride, selfish desires and ambitions, or greed. It is by our fruits that we and others will come to know to whom we have decided to belong.
Brothers and sisters, being made in the image and likeness of God we have been endowed with a dignity that is far beyond any price we can imagine; we are the luxuriant vine that is grafted onto Christ who draws us into His Father’s loving embrace. May we never lose sight of our true identity.