For What to be Thankful?

“Blessed are those who have been called

to the wedding feast of the Lamb.”

Revelation 19:9a


The year 2020 has been one filled with frustration, tension, hate, violence, quarantine, restriction, and the list goes one. For what are we to be thankful?

Yes, this year may have been filled with difficulties, yet we are still here. For this very fact we ought to be thankful. Despite the long list of difficulties, there are also many good things. We have come to learn how to live through and not merely survive a pandemic. We have been challenged to remain connected with family and friends virtually.  Perhaps we have been afforded the opportunity to reconcile with an estranged friend or family member. For some or for many maybe we have learned to be more grateful for the things or people we have taken for granted in the past. I know I have.

First, the freedom to go where I want when I want is something that I have never thought about much, let alone be thankful for. There have been times when the city was under curfew, but I have never lived through a time when I could only go to certain places and within a certain block of time.

Second, the freedom to meet up with friends and family especially over a warm drink or delicious meal. It was very common for me and my friends to decide to meet up for a drink or dinner last minute, and we’d be able to catch up at our favorite place. But that was not possible this past year.

Third, and perhaps the most important of all (or should be), the gift of the Mass. This past year was the first time in my entire life where the public celebration of mass was suspended. I’ve never thought a day would come when church doors will be locked – or, ordered to be closed – and the faithful would be unable to partake in the celebration of the Mass, to receive the sacraments, or even to sit in the silence and presence of God. This period of time hopefully increased our desire for Our Lord.    

Yes, this past year was one of great difficulty, but also one of tremendous grace. This Thanksgiving may we be thankful to God for our family and friends, the gift of life, the gift to come to appreciate more those things we take for granted, and the great gift of the Eucharist, to be called and to welcomed at the wedding feast of the Lamb. Let us be thankful for the struggles and difficulties that have enabled us to a greater appreciation and gratitude for the gift of each day. I am thankful for you.  

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving 2020.png
Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

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Living Amidst Rebellion