Created For God
“Everything indeed is for you,
so that the grace bestowed in abundance on more and more people may cause the thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of God.”2 Corinthians 4:15
From the very beginning of the story of humankind, we have been told that humans were made in the image and likeness of God. What does this mean? It means that God placed within our hearts, our souls, our very beings something that makes us distinctly us — His very breath, His very life. Hence, in the first Creation Account, when we read after every day of creation, God looked at what He had created and saw that it was good, it is only after creating man did God say “very good.” For this reason, the creation of man has been called the “apex of creation.” We are the only ones in the created order that God made for Himself. You were created for God.
At the time of creation, God placed Adam and Eve in charge of the garden, giving them dominion over creation, making them stewards of His creation. Everything was made for man, and man was made for God. Having dominion over something does not mean we are the boss and whatever we say goes. To have dominion over something means to care for it and to ensure that it is being used for the purpose God has created it. In other words, to have dominion over means, yes, to have authority over but also to have a responsibility to preserve it and guide it towards its end. Have we used the gifts God has given to us for the end to which God has intended? Have we used them for our selfish pleasure or have we used them in realizing the will of God for our lives?
We can sometimes forget how special we are in the eyes of God. We are the apple of His eye. We are His beloved sons and daughters whom He has redeemed with the price of the blood of His only begotten Son. The story of salvation is the story of humankind. From the very moment of the Fall, God promised a Savior (see Genesis 3:15). The Bible, the inspired Word of God, is the story of God’s love for and pursuit of His People. We are at the center of the story! It is the story that tells of the unique relationship between the Creator God and His Creation. It is a constant reminder that we are God’s people and that we were created out of love, with love, and for love — that we were created by God, for God.
Brothers and sisters, has this sunk in yet? We are God’s people! We are His very own. The infinite, eternal, almighty God has created us for Himself. He has created us to share in His divine life. May we never lose sight of this throughout the course of our pilgrimage here on earth. No matter how difficult things may be, we must remember that we were created for God, created for heaven. All the struggles here will lead us to heaven. Just as the Lord was with the disciples on the boat in the violent storm, He is with us through the storms of our lives and He will bring us safely to shore, the ultimate shore off of which we find His Father’s House, where He promises He has prepared a room for each one of us. If God has created us for Himself, He will indeed bring us to Himself. The only thing we must do is to let Him.
Watch this week’s reflection below.