Come Out!

“In a time of favor I answer you, on the day of salvation I help you.”

Isaiah 49:8a

Is there something in your past that you are not proud of and that weighs you down? Have you been carrying a burden that seems like you are walking with a backpack filled of bricks everyday? Have you been living in the shadow of guilt or past shame? Know that you are not your past. Your identity lies not in what you may have done - good or bad, but rather in the love that God has for you, which is infinite and eternal.

The Lord promises to be with you. In fact, He says He will answer you when you call out to Him and He will help you. Give to Him all those stones that weigh you down and take His hand as He leads you into the Light, into the freedom that He has won for you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and put your faith in the Lord. In the Gospel today Jesus tells us everything that He does is what the Father does for He and the Father are one. Today is also the feast day of St. Patrick, who spread the faith to the Irish people, famously using the shamrock to explain just that — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One. We too are invited to share in this intimate life of love. Will we accept this invitation or will we allow our past and the Enemy to keep us from doing so? Our sins are no match for God. Jesus has already conquered them. Trust in the Lord and know that He loves you and this love conquers all. So today when the Lord says to you “Come out!” confidently hold onto His hand as He takes that first step into the Light with you.

St. Patrick, pray for us!

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Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

Turning Our Backs


True Love is Risky