Clothed in Humility
My child, conduct your affairs with humility,
and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.
Humble yourself the more, the greater you are,
and you will find favor with God.Sirach 3:17-18
It goes without saying that following Christ is not always easy, and it is especially true in today’s world and in a society where the “I” or “me” is constantly promoted. A quick rewording of one’s title on social media. Using a filter to enhance one’s facial features. Checking how many hits or likes one has earned. There is nothing wrong with being proud of one’s self, but when it becomes the only thing and most important thing you care about, then it becomes a problem. A big problem.
Humility is a virtue that has seem to gone by the wayside. A 6-feet hole has been dug, humility has been thrown down it, and rocks and soil filled in the hole. When one puts humility to death, one walks away with only their pride, and without humility to do checks and balances, it can go very bad. With pride taking the lead, selfishness soon follows along with untamed ambitiousness. That is not Christian.
As Christians we are called to clothe ourselves in humility, in other words, to put on Christ. Jesus advises people to take a seat in a lower place, at a table that is not close to the center of attention so that one may be invited to a higher place, a place where only one with a humble heart can go. This is not saying that we are to sit in the back of the Church — for many of our Catholic brothers and sisters! This place is a place in our hearts. Who or what comes to our mind when we do or say something? Is it “what will I get out of this?” or “how will this be beneficial to me?” Or does someone else come to mind, “what are his needs?” or “How can we help her?” Simply put, to take the lowest place means to put others first. This is not to say we should neglect ourselves or our needs. It does mean that in all that we do, we should always remember to love God and love others. To clothe oneself in humility is to seek first the will of God in our lives. For Jesus told us that if we seek first the Kingdom, everything else will come to us. It is only when we start from the lowest point will we be able to go up. Only a cup that is empty can be filled. If our hearts is filled with anxiety, our own ambitions and wants, how can we expect God to fill them? Only a heart that is clothed in humility can be filled.