Chosen to Bear Fruit
“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.”
John 15:16
At the Last Supper Jesus gave to the disciples a new commandment, the mandatum, to love one another as He has loved them. And how has Jesus loved them? Completely, fully, unconditionally, and unreservedly. We are called to love likewise. Although we cannot truly in the same way Jesus did because of our human nature, we can strive to do so, and we have hope that we can because it was the Lord who has appointed us to do so. We have been chosen, but will we accept it?
Brothers and sisters, we have been chosen. We were created in the image and likeness of God. We were created in love, for love. The Father has called us by name and the Lord has chosen us, each one of us, to be His hands and feet here on earth. We have been asked to bear fruit, fruit that will remain. The only things that truly remain are that which are eternal, that which are from God. What is this fruit then that remains? His love. His very life, that which He gave up so that we might live and die no more. Jesus assumed our humanity so that we might come to share in His divinity. He came so that we might have life eternal, life that remains. And the life (essence and nature) of God is love. To live a Christian life is to live in love, in love with God, and in love for others.
We have been called and appointed by the Lord but we must choose to answer the call. We must choose to love. We must choose to remain in God and in His love. The only way we can truly live out a life of love is if we remain in Christ. Only when we graft ourselves onto Jesus will we be able to bear any fruit. Only when we allow ourselves to be loved will we be able to love others. We cannot bear fruit if we have not first been planted. Furthermore, we cannot bear fruit that remains unless we are pruned. Through all this the Lord will be with us. He will give us the graces we need to do so. However, we must remain in Him and with Him, the source of our life and love. What seems impossible for us to accomplish will be possible if we remain in the One who has chosen us and appointed us because for nothing is impossible for Him who has called us.