Answer Me!
How do you pray? When I begin to pray, I usually start with “Hey Jesus. How are you?” Then I thank Him and ask Him for the graces and things I need. However, sometimes my prayer can seem to formal. When facing the followers of a foreign god, Elijah wanted to show them that there is only One God, and so he asked them to ask their god to send down fire for the offering. No matter how much they called and asked, no fire came. And so Elijah turned to heaven and asked the Lord to send down fire so that those present would come to know and believe in the One True God. Elijah prayed and said “Answer me, Lord!” And guess what? God sent down fire.
Oftentimes we are too “gentle” and “safe” in our prayer. Like Elijah we ought to be bold in our prayer! God is all-powerful and all-good! There is NOTHING that He cannot do. Don’t withhold anything from God. He wants to hear it. There is nothing He can’t handle. He wants to hear from you. He created you. He loves you and He wants you to live life to the full. He wants this so much that He became man and died for you. More than that, Jesus rose from the dead! God’s power is in His love. He loves you. Go to Him. Be bold and even say “Answer me, God!”