An Unknown God?
Do you sometimes find doing things without really knowing why makes it less interesting? When you do something out of routine does it get boring or even sometimes meaningless? For some of us our faith can unfortunately turn out to be the same thing. If we do not know why we pray or what we are really doing when we pray, we may come to find it boring and quickly find something else more interesting to do. When he saw that the Athenians were praying at an altar to "an Unknown God," St. Paul quickly turned it into a teaching moment. It is for us today too. When we pray we really are not only reciting words and sentences that our ancestors said centuries ago. We are also talking with someone. We are engaging in a relationship - just like our relationships with our family and friends. Prayer is our relationship with God, and our God is a living God, the One, True God, not an unknown or unfamiliar god. Our God is also not a god who lived two thousand years ago or so, but He is a LIVING God! He is present with us right now. So, let us rise to the occasion and come to know the God who calls us beloved right here and now.