Always There

“All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”

Acts 1:14

On the day after Pentecost, Pope Francis gave to us the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, a day to celebrate and remember Mary. For Catholics, Mary, the Mother of Jesus has a very important and special place in our hearts. Mary was the one who said “Yes” to God when the Angel Gabriel came to her. Mary was the one who carried Jesus in her womb and brought Him into the world. Mary bore for us the Savior of the World. Mary was the one who taught Jesus how to walk and talk. Mary was Jesus’ first disciple. Mary was at the foot of the Cross. Mary was in the upper room with the Apostles after the Ascension. Mary was always there.

Mary is sometimes referred to as the “New Eve” because her actions and life undid what Eve did in the garden. While Adam and Eve hid from the Lord needing Him to ask “Where are you?” Mary was always there with the Lord. She followed Jesus all the way to the Cross and stood courageously at the foot of the Cross. Mary never left Jesus’ side. She was always there.

As Christians, as disciples of Jesus, we too must always be there. And guess what? Mary will always be there for us and with us too. At the foot of the Cross Jesus gave to John and to all of us Mary as Our Mother and He entrusted all of us to her care and protection. We are all on this journey together, and Mary wants to walk with us, and she will always lead us to her Son. She wants to be there for you. Will you let her?

Mary Mother of the Church 2021.png
Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

No Promise of Easy


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